
Youth speak forum

Youth speak forum

Youth speak forum

DMV believes that young people are those to have the best ideas and enthusiasm to realize them. We collaborate with students organization AIESEC for several years, and that is how we meet young people and give them a chance to get in touch with business models of local companies that are planetary successful. We strive to target the young to gain skills that will help them to start their careers and be successful. Beside mentioned, we would like to use the opportunity to meet young people at conferences, to motivate and inspire them to think global and act local. We also tend to direct them to develop business skills that will be key to success.

Youth speak forum

Having regard to the foregoing, on 26. of November 2019. at the ‘’Oficirski dom’’ in Niš, our collegues Milica Cvetković and Filip Janković will give the lecture named “Giving the effective feedback” at Youth Speak forum organized by students organization AIESEC. To round out the whole process we will organize visit to our company after the conference.